Destiny Fire Sale - 6/17/16

Ohhhh. Xur is giving away an Exotic with a near max roll! So shiny.

Top Rolls

VendorClassTypeNameMin %Max %Roll 1Roll 2Perks
House of JudgmentWarlockClass ItemsDevils' Bond100100Dis 25Int 35Auto Rifle FocusMachine Gun FocusVanguard Champion
Dead OrbitTitanChestHeliopause Plate99.1899.18Int 86Str 60Pulse Rifle AmmoShotgun AmmoVoid Armor/Recovery
Dead OrbitHunterHelmetHeliopause Mask98.9198.91Int 65Str 45Ashes to AssetsHeavy LiftingInnervation
Dead OrbitHunterBootsHeliopause Boots98.2198.21Int 78Str 55Fusion Rifle AmmoRocket Launcher AmmoVoid Double-Down
Agent of the NineHunterBootsRadiant Dance Machines98.21100Dis 78-79Str 55-56Machine Gun AmmoSniper Rifle AmmoThe Dance
Future War CultWarlockClass ItemsInfinite Lines Bond9898Dis 35Str 24Crucible ChampionHand Cannon FocusSidearm Focus
New MonarchyTitanClass ItemsKallipolis Mark9898Dis 24Int 35Crucible ChampionHand Cannon FocusMachine Gun Focus
The SpeakerHunterClass ItemsCloud Walker Tribute9898Dis 25Int 34Hand Cannon FocusMachine Gun FocusVanguard Champion
Dead OrbitHunterGauntletHeliopause Grips97.5697.56Int 57Str 40Combat ProprioceptorMomentum TransferSniper Rifle Loader
Crucible HandlerHunterGauntletAspriet 1.097.5697.56Dis 40Int 57Combat ProprioceptorMomentum TransferShotgun Loader
Crucible HandlerWarlockGauntletHaliaetus I97.5697.56Dis 40Int 57Combat ProprioceptorMomentum TransferShotgun Loader
Crucible HandlerTitanGauntletPandion Type 097.5697.56Dis 40Int 57Combat ProprioceptorMomentum TransferShotgun Loader
Crucible HandlerHunterGauntletAspriet 1.196.3496.34Dis 55Str 41Combat ProprioceptorMomentum TransferPulse Rifle Loader
Crucible HandlerWarlockGauntletHaliaetus II96.3496.34Dis 55Str 41Combat ProprioceptorMomentum TransferPulse Rifle Loader
The SpeakerTitanClass ItemsThalor's Golden Maul9696Dis 23Int 35Fusion Rifle FocusPulse Rifle FocusVanguard Champion
Crucible HandlerHunterChestAspriet 1.095.995.9Dis 57Int 85Pulse Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle AmmoSolar Armor/Recovery
Crucible HandlerWarlockChestHaliaetus I95.995.9Dis 57Int 85Pulse Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle AmmoSolar Armor/Recovery
Crucible HandlerTitanChestPandion Type 095.995.9Dis 57Int 85Pulse Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle AmmoSolar Armor/Recovery
Future War CultTitanHelmetInfinite Lines Helm95.6595.65Dis 63Str 44Ashes to AssetsInfusionSecond Thoughts
Exotic Armor BlueprintsWarlockGauntletClaws of Ahamkara95.1295.12Dis 39Str 56Auto Rifle LoaderSidearm LoaderThe Whispers
Exotic Armor BlueprintsTitanGauntletRuin Wings95.1295.12Int 57Str 38Auto Rifle LoaderRocket Launcher LoaderSeeds of Ruin
New MonarchyHunterChestKallipolis Vest95.0896.72Dis 56-57Int 85-86Pulse Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle AmmoSolar Armor/Recovery
Dead OrbitHunterChestHeliopause Vest95.0895.08Dis 81Str 60Auto Rifle AmmoFusion Rifle AmmoVoid Armor/Recovery
Exotic Armor BlueprintsWarlockChestPurifier Robes95.0896.72Dis 55-56Int 86-87Burn BrighterHeavy Weapon MagsSpecial Weapon Mags
Exotic Armor BlueprintsWarlockChestStarfire Protocol95.0896.72Dis 80-81Int 61-62Heavy Weapon MagsStarfire ProtocolSpecial Weapon Mags

A bunch of very high rolls this week. Another nice House of Judgement roll for Warlocks. Also an exotic shows up the on the list in Radiant Dance Machines from Xur. Another decent exotic roll down the list on Ruin Wings from the blueprints, which I know has some popularity. Might also be wise to grab the Dead Orbit Titan chest piece. It's a good roll and comes with extra pulse/shotgun ammo perks.

What Xur Got Today?

VendorClassTypeNameMin %Max %Stat 1Stat 2Perks
Agent of the NineHunterBootsRadiant Dance Machines98.21100Dis 78-79/Str 55-56 Dis 55-56/Str 78-79The DanceMachine Gun AmmoSniper Rifle Ammo
Agent of the NineWarlockGauntletThe Impossible Machines93.996.34Dis 40-41/Str 54-55 Dis 57-58/Str 37-38Lightning RodRocket Launcher LoaderScout Rifle Loader
Agent of the NineTitanHelmetHelm of Inmost Light86.9690.22Int 56-57/Str 43-45 Int 37-38/Str 62-64Darkness SlayerInfusionRecklessness
Agent of the NineMachine GunThunderlordLightning RoundsFeeding FrenzyFlared MagwellPerfect BalanceField Scout
Agent of the NineChestLegacy Body Armor Engram
